Untiring Steps, Unparalleled Outcomes

We have a simple but clear ambition - to improve global health outcomes.
Hear directly from our colleagues and partners, whose untiring steps are helping to stop the clock on malaria.


My steps to end started when I joined Vestergaard in 2008. I witnessed a huge scale up in deployment of LLIN’s, that had a major impact in reducing the malaria burden across Sub-Saharan Africa. The challenges of Insecticide Resistance, and the need to innovate to develop more effective tools, has kept me energized to drive key messages that will one day achieve malaria elimination.



My work is contributing in building Environment management system (ISO 14001) and Occupational Health & Safety system (ISO 45001) in manufacturing. I hope each worker who produce each PN net can come back home after finish working with happiness. I also hope the environment around us is always green and clean, for better future.

Viet Nam


My steps to end malaria started with Biolab where we tested bioefficacy with current products and new chemicals to make new generations of LLIN. Resistance was my interview and presentation topic that day. Throughout 13 years working in Vestergaard, I have been with the 3rd generation of new LLINs, and learn to combat many different types of resistance in changes, in work, in life, in partnership ... Thank you Vestergaard for a long journey with up and down, with bitter and success. Wish steady steps to continue for a longer journey to achieve ahead.

Viet Nam


Joining Vestergaard since over a decade ago was once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. I am so proud to take part in the worldwide mission of fighting against malaria. Piece by piece we have been making a big milestone of 1 billion nets, saving millions lives from malaria. Congratulations to Vestergaard on this achievement. We will be making many billions more together <3<3<3.

Viet Nam


It's difficult to describe my feelings right now. I've been in Vestergaard for 5 years only but it's been a long and wonderful journey for me. From another industry I moved to Vestergaard and went to each factory to understand the process of how to create a net and How do Vestergaard bring the stable value to the community? The new knowledge and new value I received from Vestergaard are truly precious and it is even more perfectly that today I can stay here and write these words to congratulate on the 1 billionth nets. Congratulations to Vestergaard and the core values which was provided to the community by Vestergaard

Viet Nam


Malaria's devastating impact on the underprivileged communities of Kalangala and Katanga left me rather rattled as a documentarian. I saw mothers despairing over their newborns and their own futures, and I felt the fear of fathers worried about their livelihoods if they got sick with malaria because they couldn't easily access or afford treatment. While filming their lives during the Vestergaard documentary, I could see a ray of renewed hope as the mosquito nets arrived at the previously inaccessible depths of these communities. Experiencing that firsthand and watching the ecstatic joy of mothers fighting to get their hands on that net changed my life. Now, I work towards finding to amplify these voices to restore hope in similar communities as part of my fight to end malaria in my country.



Malaria taught me the hard way. 20 years ago, I was a social scientist working with disadvantaged youth in a rural area in West Africa. I saw children dying. My work at Vestergaard today comprises challenges as means often seem insufficient to tackle the issues, but it holds a golden reward: each step taken to improve human health is a step closer to the essence of life. Positively impacting people is my true satisfaction.



I remember when I started my journey with Vestergaard, I was extremely impressed by the passion of Vestergaard for finding better solutions to eliminate malaria. Proudly, we are engaged in ensuring the best quality of PermaNet® nets to end users and witness improve continuously our solutions to fight against malaria globally. For every footprint of our company in this fight, I believe the company’s goal is totally achieved.

Viet Nam


My journey to fight malaria started when I joined Vestergaard more than a decade ago. Coming to work each day, I feel motivated knowing that what I am doing would contribute postive impacts to end malaria. It is amazing that our LLINs could save many lives effectively. One million nets distributed – BRAVO to everyone involved. How proud it is!

Viet Nam


I am hopeful for a future without malaria, having witnessed two decades of extraordinary collective effort to eliminate malaria, right from passionate and dedicated colleagues, partners and countries across the world, through to the most vulnerable populations in the hardest to reach regions of Africa. To fast track malaria elimination we must continue to walk the same path, together, whatever the challenges.



My steps to end malaria started a decade ago by manufacturing 115 million bed nets in a single year (!), helping to achieve better and faster coverage in countries. I feel privileged to contribute to the development, production and supply of multigenerational mosquito nets in the fight against malaria.

Viet Nam


I remember when I joined Vestergaard in 2005, We just had PermaNet®2.0 in our product portfolio. Over the years I have seen Vestergaard grow and diversify into various business units, having more product innovations in our Public Health portfolio to Fight Against Malaria and giving people a reason to smile. It feels great to be part of such a dynamic, enthusiastic team and support humanitarian business.



Eighteen months ago, I took a massive personal leap into the complex world of Public Health to fight malaria. Every day, I am reminded of the importance of our work making the world's best mosquito nets, knowing that we are helping to save lives and improve the health and well-being of communities around the world. It is a privilege to be a part of something that profoundly impacts people's lives. I am grateful for the opportunity to work in this field and be surrounded by colleagues who share my passion and dedication. Together, we are making a difference and creating a brighter future for those affected by malaria.

United Kingdom


Early in my professional life, I was assigned to a short mission in Senegal to develop a maternal and child health (MCH) project. To be clear, my background was business, not health. I was to accompany Iain A., an MCH expert and facilitate the dialogue with the local stakeholders. I relished every opportunity to travel and did not think twice. I was pregnant but I had told no one, and knew next to nothing about malaria. Traveling through Senegal, Iain explained that malaria depleted the pregnant woman's placenta of vital substances, could cause anemia which is life-threatening to mothers and often results in stillbirth, or dangerously low birth weight for the baby. Thankfully, I did not get malaria but I never forgot the threat faced by pregnant women in malaria-endemic places. Today, I feel privileged that my work contributes to ensure these women sleep safely under mosquito nets.



We know what is required to end malaria; we need to do it. Ending a disease takes all kinds of people and skills, it’s not enough to create an awesome product. There are many steps, both forward and backwards, and many people are required to go from an idea to the end user and then further. We all need to come together. I’m hopeful that this disease will be a thing of the past.



My steps to end malaria started the first day I joined Vestergaard. I immediately realized how tough the people were suffered from malaria. Day to day work, seeing the increasing demand of our LLINs from the countries, I can sleep at night knowing that people shall be protected by our products. I will continue contributing my many steps in the next billions steps of the company.

Viet Nam


My first job was about promoting Nivaquine, and I worked on antimarial drugs for more than a decade. But since I learned 68% of clinical malaria cases are averted with LLINs, I am more than motivated every time I discuss PermaNet from Vestergaard with malaria stakeholders. I am happy to contribute to saving lives.


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